Great article. Thoroughly agree that the primary motivation for basic income shouldn’t come from fear of automation, but its potential contribution to wellbeing and human potential. I’ve elsewhere tried to construct the philosophical motivation for basic income, but I thought this post far more useful and to the point.
It’s often doused in the rhetoric of “basic security is a human right”, or something of the sort. I find that debate — whether or not we have any “right” to basic income — irrelevant (and hopelessly polarizing). It seems more prudent to approach from the angle: do we have the ability to provide a UBI? If so, why wouldn’t we?
This positions the first question, the ‘gate-keeper’ to taking UBI seriously, as whether or not it’s fiscally realistic. I read and enjoyed your post on paying for it through automation. Scott Santens has also contributed to this discussion in another post. It seems every day a new collective is embarking on a UBI trial. Hopefully, soon, we’ll have a plethora of first-hand experience and statistical reports to draw from in discussing both the fiscal viability and potential for enabling human flourishing of basic income.
Thanks for the engaging read.